Fewer, Bigger, Better.
It will come as no surprise that resource in the department is stretched. With the market as it is, we are all working harder, but clearly, we need to work smarter.
The 'fewer, bigger, better' ethos is about value. The progress of the last few months will all be for nothing if less resource leads to the same volume of work as, understandably, this will lead to a reduction in quality.
If we dilute the output (or oversaturate with weak solutions), then we fail.
Far better then, that we concentrate on the big experience, the design/story which will get the most hits throughout the day, have the most visual impact or translate to the most output media.
If we give this form of output the time and effort, both in design and production, then we will achieve the most value.
As always, the best explanation is by example:
For Male/Female Drinking, the early commission and clarity of information enabled a conversation about possible solutions. With the time to generate an environment, 3D elements and strong relevant artwork,
successful communication and a stylish treatment were achieved. This should be our base benchmark.
On NHS Inspections, the design to commission not for programme team, but for the days output, meant that much more time could be allocated to the solution. Where we know a piece of communication can run for
the whole day, value is brought by investing the same amount of time as we would for 4 separate stories. The crucial thing here is getting into the mindset that it is not Viz commissioning which allows us to achieve this.
Success is not brought by a piece of kit or an individual artist, but by the allocation of appropriate resource, time and the required communication between teams. The solution would have been just as successful if
generated in the live area with these other factors being equal.
With Church Investments, the key was connection and analysis. To communicate complex data successfully, teams need to work together to show relevant information with the appropriate emphasis and this will
always require the luxury of time.
Understandably, this approach is not always possible. We are a breaking News organisation after all, but if our default setting is 'value not volume' we will communicate more successfully, we will look better and be
more able to manage the pressure of delivery. We will shortly begin an overhaul of the LUCI template system which will put more and better tools at everyones disposal. In the meantime, please look to the advice of
the Live Area Leaders/EP's on requirements for prioritisation and engage in cross Design/Edit/Day Teams cooperation.