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Monday, 19 August 2013


In search of perfection

As we said last week, we have defined a new benchmark.  Always when you look at what is acceptable, you need an eye on where our ultimate goal lies.

This week, amongst some very strong work, there was one Live Area piece which stood out.  With all the criteria of the last 5 months specified, this piece ticks every box, so let's look at why.

The information is clear, it is kept in clean space which communicates best. Crucially though, the whole thing feels connected; communication will always be better whole the piece reads as a whole.

Use of paraphernalia and the subject brand, combines well with a relevant animation transition.

Beautiful composition which factors in depth, but doesn't compromise legibility.
From a design ego perspective, the amalgamation of 3D elements, environment and pure, clear information is exceptional.

Use of brand colours, a bright treatment, but simplified and muted to fit well with the package and the tone of the story. We have real ownership of the design; this could not have been generated for any other network.

Without a doubt, it is Clean, Clear, Crisp, Confident

Without compromising the tone of the story, the treatment remains Premium, Sophisticated, Aspirational.

Crucially in all of this, the product has simplicity.  It doesn't pretend to be more than it is; it doesn't work too hard.

From brief to delivery, a clear expectation was given from both sides.  Communication was strong and enough time was given to ensure a successful product.

I've enclosed a link this week, because one of the most important aspects of any piece of communication, is how well if fits with the elements around it.

The balance struck here is one where there is enough stand-out to define an 'information section' without jarring with the rest of the package.  

Writing the piece to split the graphic gives the whole piece an identity and makes the communication ever more successful.


Thursday, 15 August 2013


Where we put the effort

A couple of weeks leave refreshes the mind and makes us look again at where our priorities lie.

A snapshot of recent work shows a range of quality from the very good to the very poor, but the vast majority would fall into 
the category of 'ok'.  Broadly, this is work we would have been very pleased with 5 months ago when we started the new ethos 
and it is testament to how far we have come to say this is no longer good enough – we are victims of our own success, the bar has 
been raised and more is expected.

The crucial thing here is attention to detail; are all aspects of the product as successful as each other
  • Communication
  • Idea
  • Design
  • Brand
Where one is weaker, it can relegate the product to the 'ok' pile and all aspects should be considered before work begins.

Often, we're talking about the tiniest of tweaks

The idea is still strong. Better brand and therefore ownership, better communication with the specified location, improved text layout and emphasis.  

Clearer communication of the subject, retains the beauty of the design.

By ensuring we pay attention to the details and planning well from the start, we make sure none of the principles 
weakens the product.

The best work of the last two weeks has centred around our brand environments; those arena we generate to indicate subject and to hold information.

For the hospital graphic, the environment is one previously utilsed, but the treatment is new.  It has the clinical aspect nailed and
Gives us the ability to keep information in free space, where it doesn't pretend to 'be' anything other than information. 
This means neither it, nor the viewer have to work to hard to impart the facts.

It's always good to be surprised by the success of a piece of design.  The exercise graphic is a prime example.  A simple premise of an old school workout sheet, with the text information embedded, proved an elegant, stylish,
deceptively simple solution to a problem which could easily have been over complicated.

Crucially, what elevates both these pieces is that they are true to the guiding principles; strength in communication, an idea which sells the story, well designed and on brand

This is our new benchmark.
